Vol.11. Takuya Ohara
In 2022 fall, we visited Takuya Ohara’s studio in Shigaraki, Mie, one of the famous pottery town in the region. There are many kilns and ceramic factories around, which got us excited about the visit.

He greeted us warmly and took us inside to explain his works. He told us that his father was also a potter and he used to use the studio as well. Takuya started in a small room upstairs, but gradually he became busy and needed more space, taking his father’s space. Now his kiln is pretty big gas kiln and fires every months.

Interesting thing about his pottery is the use of clay and glaze combination, making all different kind of colors. We only carry some of them, but actually he has so many variety of colors and styles. He told us that even with the same clay and glaze combination, depending on the place inside the kiln, expression of colors change. He does many experiments to come up with clay and glaze combinations.

We thanked him for his time because he was super busy preparing for pottery festival in Shigaraki. We also discussed about future orders and hopefully we make good ones.